I deleted the beta for DC Universe Online a few days before Christmas. I didn't do this because the game is bad or anything. No, if you've read my first beta journal you'll understand that I quite enjoy this game and I plan on buying it eventually. I deleted it simply because it was taking up a massive 18 gigs of my hard drive space. I'm worried that when the actual game comes out next month that I won't have enough space on my 40 gig HDD to play the game. Not with all the other games I currently play or plan on playing. Here's hoping there isn't a mandatory install (though there probably will be) and that the game opts to stream mostly off the blu-ray disk.
Last time I wrote about this beta I talked about character creation and a few of the things I liked about the combat and mission structure. I was going to write a bit about the instanced PvP sessions but unfortunately I couldn't get connected to anything other than the main part of the beta. I don't know what the problem was.
The problem I mentioned last time about how small and unreadable text in menus and chat screens is has been addressed but the stability of the game as a whole could still use some work.
I know this update has been short but now that I'm playing other games and not this beta I just don't have as much to say about it. I'm not picking this game up next month either. My January title is going to be Dead Space 2 but after a while these DCUO Journals will continue with the full game.
Get new computer bro
Not playing the game on a computer, bro. As far as I'm concerned DCUO is a PS3 title.
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